

Basic Theology and International Chaplaincy Courses are free now

ASCPAS Basic Theology and International Chaplaincy Courses are free now for an indefinite period of time! The courses can be accessed through our Online Learning Portal. Before subscribing to the courses, the user will need to register first.

After the registration is completed and the account created, the user will be able to enroll in our courses and access our Online Learning Portal. The courses are available only in portuguese for now. The courses content will be detailed below.

Basic Theology Content

1. Introdução Bíblica
2. Antropologia – Doutrina do Homem
3. Hamartilogia – Doutrina do Pecado
4. Cristologia – Doutrina de Cristo
5. Paracletologia – Doutrina do Espirito Santo
6. Soteriologia – Doutrina da Salvação
7. Eclesiologia – Doutrina da Igreja
8. Angelologia – Doutrina dos anjos
9. Evangelhos – Mateus, Marcos, Lucas e João
10. Atos dos Apóstolos
11. Evangelismo
12. Hermenêutica – Princípios da interpretação
13. Exegese – Interpretação ou Explicação
14. Homilética – A arte de pregar
15. Ética Cristã
16. Missões

International Chaplaincy Content

1. Capelania Prisional (Carcerária)
2. Capelania Ecológica (Sustentável)
3. Capelania Empresarial
4. Capelania Escolar (Estudantil)
5. Capelania Esportiva
6. Capelania Familiar
7. Capelania Fúnebre
8. Capelania Infantil
9. Capelania Militar
10. Capelania Estatal (Órgãos Públicos)
11. Capelania Social
12. Capelania de Primeiros Socorros
13. Capelania Virtual
14. Capelania Hospitalar

After the courses completion, the student will be able to download an online certificate from our Online Learning Portal.

Capellanía, Educación, Noticias Generales, Pastorado , , , , ,
Sobre Ricardo Vicente
Reverend - International Chaplain / ASCPAS - Association of Chaplains and Pastors / CIME - International Council of Ministers of the Gospel / PHM - Peace House Ministries